Just in case you're wondering what's taking us so long to move in, I want to show you something.
What's the matter? Can you not see it? Come closer . . .
a bit closer, I'll show you more . . .
You're getting warmer . . .
There you go! This was on the back of the door to a bedroom (not a garage) that once belonged to a teenage girl. Once again a case of pure yuck strikes. I've never gone through so many scrubbing pads and sponges. But see, this is not the best part of the teenage girl's room. There is also a bonus room attached that will be my daughters' playroom. In this bonus room, there were plenty of extra bonuses . . .
Can't see it . . . come closer again . . .
As if the textured wall isn't bad enough, do you see the little black hairs intertwined? That is CAT HAIR! I think this texture was created on these walls for the cats to scratch their backs. I couldn't wash the hair out of the walls. I had to sand it off with my poor little sander. I think this deserves three YUCKS! Yuck, Yuck, and Yuck!
This was just a snippet of what we endure day in and day out. We are cleaning machines here. Walls, ceilings, ceiling fans, blinds, windows, windowsills, doors, and floors are no match for us. Our house will be a cat hair free zone. It is so amazing what you don't see when shopping around for a house. Sellers maneuver furniture and pictures to cover up their ugly truths. They use air fresheners and temporary fixes in order to mask odors (which never work when animals are involved). We knew we wanted to paint the walls and get the carpets out of there, but we didn't know they never cleaned their house. I'm not exaggerating. There was thick dirt and dust indicating that they never wiped down anything other than their furniture and counters. I should have taken a picture of the ceiling fan in the master bedroom, but I didn't. Once I don my gloves, there is no stopping me. More to come later . . . And by the way, I still haven't taken a picture of the outside of our house. We're too busy trying to get moved in first and that is all my tunnel vision allows me to focus on.