Saturday, May 28, 2011

More on Addiction

I spoke earlier of addiction to paint.  Well, I have another addiction:  books.  I absolutely love books.  Why else would I choose English as my major?  There is nothing like holding an old smelly book in your hands, gently opening the worn cover, and smelling the age creep from pages worn with time.  People tell me how great Kindle is and I have examined this latest technical device and I find it less inviting and less personal.  It simply does not compare.  So I buy books like they're going out of style.  They line my shelves in my home.  My daughters have more books than toys and are taught to respect all books even if they don't like it.  No computer, television show, and certainly no movie can take the place of someone's words.  The older the work, the more I appreciate it because it has stood the test of time.  Books will outlast Kindle or any new technical device developed.  So when you're bored and tempted to turn on the television or pick up the latest gossip magazine, pick up Shakespeare, Steinbeck, or Stowe instead.

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